Cultura e storia

———————   CULTURE AND HISTORY   ———————

In 2012, Shenzhen Koen Electronics Co., Ltd., the company was first founded. In 2020, the company moved to Zhongshan, Guangdong. A new company was established: Zhongshan Koen Electronics Co., Ltd.

Il nostro produce principalmente specchietto retrovisore, telecamera posteriore, monitor di autobus/camion, sensori di parcheggio, telecamera con luce di stop e DVR per auto.

Our services: One year warranty is offered for our products. Professional technical support & service before and after sales is offered for our customers.

Our team: Metteremo il nostro meglio e il più brillante in ogni progetto. I responsabili della nostra azienda gestiranno il progetto e saranno coinvolti personalmente in ogni fase del percorso. We can make sure the project getstime and attention from very experienced staff.

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